ESG Data: The Key to Sustainable Investments in Private Markets

ESG Data: The Key to Sustainable Investments in Private Markets


July 29, 2024

The global investment landscape is shifting. Institutions recognize the enormous potential of sustainable investments, with 35% identifying them as the prime opportunity in private markets for 2024. Yet, while public companies readily embrace ESG reporting, private markets are lagging.

The reason? Reliable, actionable ESG data.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are no longer simply "nice-to-haves." They’re critical components in assessing risk, identifying opportunities, and ensuring long-term value creation. In the world of private markets, where information is often scarce and non-standardized, accessing high-quality ESG data is the key to unlocking sustainable investment strategies.

This guide is designed for investors, asset managers, and industry leaders who understand that ESG integration isn’t just a trend but the future of sustainability investing. We'll look at the unique challenges of gathering and analyzing ESG data in private markets, explore best practices, and showcase how data-driven insights can transform your investment approach.

The growing importance of ESG in private markets

The investing world is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of financial performance and ESG factors. A striking 89% of investors now consider ESG factors in their investment decisions, with a mere 13% dismissing it as a passing trend. 

The fact is that ESG considerations are increasingly becoming a determining factor, with 79% of investors considering how a company manages ESG risks and opportunities as crucial in their investment choices. 

This growing importance is reflected in the substantial flow of capital towards sustainable investments. This influx of capital is fueling a surge in ESG private equity as investors seek to align their portfolios with their values and capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable investments.

In public markets, this shift towards ESG integration is evident. A substantial 90% of S&P 500 companies now release ESG reports, demonstrating the increasing demand for transparency and accountability. However, private markets are facing unique challenges in keeping pace with this ESG data revolution.

The private equity sector, in particular, has historically lagged behind in ESG adoption. The lag is especially evident in ESG private equity, where the lack of standardized reporting and data comparability has hindered widespread adoption. This is only amplified by the hidden challenges of exploding secondaries market growth, which has introduced a new layer of complexity in tracking and managing ESG data across diverse portfolios.

These challenges, which we’ll explore next, aren’t insurmountable. By addressing these roadblocks head-on, private markets can access the immense potential of ESG data to drive sustainable investment strategies, avoid risk, and create long-term value.

Understanding the key ESG data challenges in private markets

While the importance of ESG in private markets is undeniable, the path to effective integration is fraught with challenges. A significant 53% of global respondents identify "poor quality or availability of ESG data and analytics" as the biggest barrier to adopting sustainable investing. This is further echoed by the fact that 46% of investors highlight the lack of comprehensive ESG data as a significant hurdle. These challenges manifest in some distinct ways:

ESG data availability and quality

Unlike their public counterparts, private companies aren’t mandated to disclose ESG data in a standardized format. This results in fragmentation, where information is often scattered across disparate sources, making it difficult to access and assess. Even when data is available, concerns about its accuracy, completeness, and reliability remain. 

The absence of independent verification and standardized auditing processes further compounds this issue. This lack of transparency is a major barrier to sustainability investing, as investors struggle to differentiate between companies with genuine ESG commitments and those engaging in greenwashing.


Of course, the lack of uniform ESG reporting frameworks in private markets presents a major challenge. With no clear standards, it becomes difficult to compare the ESG performance of different companies and investments. The absence of a universal benchmark hinders investors' ability to assess relative performance and identify best practices. This also makes it harder for investors to track the progress of their ESG goals and communicate their performance to stakeholders effectively.


Determining which ESG factors are most relevant for a particular industry or company — a concept known as materiality—is a complex task. Different investors may have varying perspectives on what constitutes material ESG issues. This lack of consensus can create ambiguity and make it difficult for companies to prioritize their ESG efforts effectively. 

This is particularly true in ESG private equity, where the lack of standardized benchmarks can lead to inconsistent reporting and hinder meaningful investment comparisons. Plus, the dynamic nature of ESG issues, coupled with evolving regulatory changes, requires ongoing reassessments of materiality, adding another layer of complexity.

Integration into investment decisions

Even with access to ESG data, effectively incorporating it into investment decision-making processes isn’t straightforward. Many investors lack the tools and expertise needed to analyze and interpret complex ESG data. 

This can lead to missed opportunities to avoid risk and capitalize on emerging trends. Additionally, and perhaps one of the biggest challenges, integrating ESG considerations into existing investment frameworks requires a shift in mindset and culture, which can be challenging for some organizations.

Best practices for ESG data collection and analysis

businesswoman checking searching document legal prepare paperwork or report for analysis

Managing the challenges of ESG data in private markets requires a proactive, multi-faceted approach. While challenges are prevalent, smart investors and asset managers can overcome these hurdles by implementing improved data collection and analysis strategies:

Building an ESG data framework

To overcome the lack of uniformity in private markets, establish a comprehensive ESG data framework tailored to the specific needs of your asset classes. Start by using established frameworks like the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), or the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI) as a foundation. Then adapt and customize the chosen framework to align with the unique characteristics of private market investments.

Clearly define the ESG factors that are most relevant to your investment strategy and develop a systematic approach for collecting and tracking relevant data.

Engaging with portfolio companies

Active engagement with portfolio companies is crucial for gathering accurate and comprehensive ESG data. Establish open communication channels and regular dialogues with management teams. Utilize questionnaires, conduct interviews, and, if feasible, arrange site visits to gain deeper insights into their ESG practices and performance. 

By proactively engaging with portfolio companies on their ESG data reporting, investors can help create a culture of transparency and accountability. Encourage transparency and collaboration to ensure a thorough understanding of their ESG risks and opportunities.

Leveraging technology and data solutions

Technology plays a pivotal role in streamlining the collection, analysis, and reporting of ESG data. Harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate document acquisition from various sources, identify patterns and trends, and generate actionable insights. 

This includes using advanced techniques like sector mapping to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), enabling investors to benchmark ESG performance against industry peers and identify potential risks and opportunities.

This automated document acquisition not only alleviates the buy-side burden of capturing every document, everywhere, all at once but also enables a deeper understanding of data-driven decision-making in private markets.

Invest in robust data management platforms that enable efficient data storage, organization, and visualization. These platforms are essential for generating comprehensive ESG data reporting. Consider partnering with specialized ESG data providers who can offer expertise and support in managing the complex challenges of ESG data. 

These providers can apply sophisticated tools to surface and attribute data in complex alternative investment networks, providing a comprehensive view of ESG performance.

By being aware of the challenges and the solutions, you can more easily earn the full potential of ESG data to drive sustainable investment strategies, enhance risk management, and generate long-term value.

The benefits of ESG data-driven investment strategies

Finance chart. Financial planning. Data analysis. Management strategy.

Incorporating ESG data into investment strategies is no longer a "nice-to-have"— it's a strategic imperative for private market investors seeking to tackle an increasingly complicated and interconnected world. By harnessing the power of ESG data, investors can reveal a range of benefits that extend beyond financial returns.

Enhanced risk management

ESG data provides a lens through which investors can identify and assess a wide array of risks that traditional financial analysis may overlook. Environmental risks, such as climate change and resource scarcity, can significantly impact the long-term viability of businesses. 

Social risks, such as labor practices and community relations, can damage reputations and disrupt operations. Governance risks, such as board diversity and executive compensation, can undermine investor confidence and lead to costly legal and regulatory issues. 

By incorporating ESG data into their due diligence processes, investors can identify and avoid these risks, protecting their portfolios from potential losses and ensuring long-term sustainability. This approach aligns with the growing trend of sustainability investing, which seeks to generate financial returns while also creating positive social and environmental impact.

Value creation and alpha generation

ESG factors aren’t just about risk avoidance — they’re also powerful drivers of value creation. Companies with strong ESG performance tend to be more innovative, efficient, and resilient. This is particularly evident through the lens of private equity firms that have integrated ESG considerations into their investment processes, reaping the rewards of sustainability investing.

Those investment options that have positive ESG reporting processes and a focus on ESG are simply better positioned to attract and retain top talent, build strong brand reputations, and maintain a social license to operate. These qualities can translate into improved financial performance, higher valuations, and ultimately, superior investment returns. 

By identifying companies with strong ESG profiles, investors can access untapped potential for alpha generation and create a competitive advantage in the market.

Alignment with investor values

For many investors, ESG considerations aren’t just about financial performance — they’re also about aligning investments with personal values and contributing to a better world. ESG data enables investors to measure and track the positive social and environmental impact of their investments. This can lead to greater satisfaction and a sense of purpose as investors see their capital being used to address pressing global challenges.

Meeting growing stakeholder expectations

Investors are increasingly facing pressure from clients, regulators, and the public to demonstrate their commitment to ESG principles. By incorporating ESG data into their investment strategies, investors can enhance transparency, improve stakeholder communication, and build trust. This can lead to stronger relationships with clients, improved brand reputation, and increased access to capital.

As you can see, ESG data is a powerful tool that can transform how investors approach private markets. By embracing ESG integration, investors can not only reduce risk but also contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

Using ESG reporting frameworks for investment decisions

Businessman pointing at the word ESG with a pen on a computer screen with green graph

Understanding ESG reporting is crucial for investors seeking to make informed decisions in private markets. While private companies aren’t obligated to adhere to the same reporting standards as public companies, a growing number are voluntarily adopting established ESG frameworks. These frameworks are especially relevant for ESG in private equity, as investors are increasingly seeking transparency on climate-related risks and opportunities in their portfolios.

Why investors should care About ESG reporting frameworks

Even in the less regulated private markets, ESG reporting frameworks are more than just corporate buzzwords. They offer a structured approach through which investors can assess the non-financial risks and opportunities that increasingly impact long-term value creation. Let’s look at the specific advantages frameworks provide to investors seeking to integrate ESG into their decision-making processes.

  • Standardized information: Frameworks provide a structured way for companies to disclose ESG data, making it easier for investors to compare performance across different investments.
  • Materiality focus: Frameworks like SASB help investors identify the ESG factors most likely to impact a company's financial performance in a given industry.
  • Risk assessment: ESG reports can shed light on a company's exposure to environmental, social, and governance risks, allowing investors to make more informed decisions about risk mitigation.
  • Performance tracking: Frameworks allow investors to monitor a company's ESG progress over time, holding them accountable for their commitments.

How investors can use ESG reports

ESG reports can be powerful tools in an investor's arsenal. Let’s look at some practical strategies for using these reports to get deeper insights, engage with companies, and ultimately make more informed and sustainable investment decisions.

  • Due diligence: Incorporate ESG reports into your due diligence process to get a comprehensive understanding of a company's sustainability profile.
  • Engagement: Use ESG reports as a starting point for engaging with companies on their ESG practices. Ask probing questions and seek clarification on areas of concern.
  • Benchmarking: Compare ESG reports across different companies to identify leaders and laggards in your portfolio.
  • Integration: Use the insights gleaned from ESG reports to inform your investment decisions and portfolio construction.

ESG data for sustainable investments

Sustainable investing in private markets isn’t without its challenges, but the rewards are substantial. The growing demand for ESG integration, coupled with the increasing recognition of its impact on long-term value creation, makes ESG data an indispensable tool for discerning investors.

By understanding the intricacies of ESG data collection, analysis, and reporting, you can confidently manage the complexities of the private markets. You can identify and avoid risks, uncover hidden opportunities, and align your investments with your values and those of your stakeholders.

Don't let the challenges of ESG data hold you back. At Accelex, we help our clients to apply higher levels of thinking to their daily tasks and strategies while making decisions with greater confidence and clarity. Our cutting-edge AI technology streamlines ESG data collection and analysis, providing the insights you need to make informed investment decisions.

Ready to access the power of ESG data for your sustainable investment strategy? Unlock the power of ESG data and gain a competitive edge in the private equity market. Contact us today to schedule a demo and discover how Accelex can transform your approach to ESG.

The global investment landscape is shifting. Institutions recognize the enormous potential of sustainable investments, with 35% identifying them as the prime opportunity in private markets for 2024. Yet, while public companies readily embrace ESG reporting, private markets are lagging.

The reason? Reliable, actionable ESG data.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are no longer simply "nice-to-haves." They’re critical components in assessing risk, identifying opportunities, and ensuring long-term value creation. In the world of private markets, where information is often scarce and non-standardized, accessing high-quality ESG data is the key to unlocking sustainable investment strategies.

This guide is designed for investors, asset managers, and industry leaders who understand that ESG integration isn’t just a trend but the future of sustainability investing. We'll look at the unique challenges of gathering and analyzing ESG data in private markets, explore best practices, and showcase how data-driven insights can transform your investment approach.

The growing importance of ESG in private markets

The investing world is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of financial performance and ESG factors. A striking 89% of investors now consider ESG factors in their investment decisions, with a mere 13% dismissing it as a passing trend. 

The fact is that ESG considerations are increasingly becoming a determining factor, with 79% of investors considering how a company manages ESG risks and opportunities as crucial in their investment choices. 

This growing importance is reflected in the substantial flow of capital towards sustainable investments. This influx of capital is fueling a surge in ESG private equity as investors seek to align their portfolios with their values and capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable investments.

In public markets, this shift towards ESG integration is evident. A substantial 90% of S&P 500 companies now release ESG reports, demonstrating the increasing demand for transparency and accountability. However, private markets are facing unique challenges in keeping pace with this ESG data revolution.

The private equity sector, in particular, has historically lagged behind in ESG adoption. The lag is especially evident in ESG private equity, where the lack of standardized reporting and data comparability has hindered widespread adoption. This is only amplified by the hidden challenges of exploding secondaries market growth, which has introduced a new layer of complexity in tracking and managing ESG data across diverse portfolios.

These challenges, which we’ll explore next, aren’t insurmountable. By addressing these roadblocks head-on, private markets can access the immense potential of ESG data to drive sustainable investment strategies, avoid risk, and create long-term value.

Understanding the key ESG data challenges in private markets

While the importance of ESG in private markets is undeniable, the path to effective integration is fraught with challenges. A significant 53% of global respondents identify "poor quality or availability of ESG data and analytics" as the biggest barrier to adopting sustainable investing. This is further echoed by the fact that 46% of investors highlight the lack of comprehensive ESG data as a significant hurdle. These challenges manifest in some distinct ways:

ESG data availability and quality

Unlike their public counterparts, private companies aren’t mandated to disclose ESG data in a standardized format. This results in fragmentation, where information is often scattered across disparate sources, making it difficult to access and assess. Even when data is available, concerns about its accuracy, completeness, and reliability remain. 

The absence of independent verification and standardized auditing processes further compounds this issue. This lack of transparency is a major barrier to sustainability investing, as investors struggle to differentiate between companies with genuine ESG commitments and those engaging in greenwashing.


Of course, the lack of uniform ESG reporting frameworks in private markets presents a major challenge. With no clear standards, it becomes difficult to compare the ESG performance of different companies and investments. The absence of a universal benchmark hinders investors' ability to assess relative performance and identify best practices. This also makes it harder for investors to track the progress of their ESG goals and communicate their performance to stakeholders effectively.


Determining which ESG factors are most relevant for a particular industry or company — a concept known as materiality—is a complex task. Different investors may have varying perspectives on what constitutes material ESG issues. This lack of consensus can create ambiguity and make it difficult for companies to prioritize their ESG efforts effectively. 

This is particularly true in ESG private equity, where the lack of standardized benchmarks can lead to inconsistent reporting and hinder meaningful investment comparisons. Plus, the dynamic nature of ESG issues, coupled with evolving regulatory changes, requires ongoing reassessments of materiality, adding another layer of complexity.

Integration into investment decisions

Even with access to ESG data, effectively incorporating it into investment decision-making processes isn’t straightforward. Many investors lack the tools and expertise needed to analyze and interpret complex ESG data. 

This can lead to missed opportunities to avoid risk and capitalize on emerging trends. Additionally, and perhaps one of the biggest challenges, integrating ESG considerations into existing investment frameworks requires a shift in mindset and culture, which can be challenging for some organizations.

Best practices for ESG data collection and analysis

businesswoman checking searching document legal prepare paperwork or report for analysis

Managing the challenges of ESG data in private markets requires a proactive, multi-faceted approach. While challenges are prevalent, smart investors and asset managers can overcome these hurdles by implementing improved data collection and analysis strategies:

Building an ESG data framework

To overcome the lack of uniformity in private markets, establish a comprehensive ESG data framework tailored to the specific needs of your asset classes. Start by using established frameworks like the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), or the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI) as a foundation. Then adapt and customize the chosen framework to align with the unique characteristics of private market investments.

Clearly define the ESG factors that are most relevant to your investment strategy and develop a systematic approach for collecting and tracking relevant data.

Engaging with portfolio companies

Active engagement with portfolio companies is crucial for gathering accurate and comprehensive ESG data. Establish open communication channels and regular dialogues with management teams. Utilize questionnaires, conduct interviews, and, if feasible, arrange site visits to gain deeper insights into their ESG practices and performance. 

By proactively engaging with portfolio companies on their ESG data reporting, investors can help create a culture of transparency and accountability. Encourage transparency and collaboration to ensure a thorough understanding of their ESG risks and opportunities.

Leveraging technology and data solutions

Technology plays a pivotal role in streamlining the collection, analysis, and reporting of ESG data. Harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate document acquisition from various sources, identify patterns and trends, and generate actionable insights. 

This includes using advanced techniques like sector mapping to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), enabling investors to benchmark ESG performance against industry peers and identify potential risks and opportunities.

This automated document acquisition not only alleviates the buy-side burden of capturing every document, everywhere, all at once but also enables a deeper understanding of data-driven decision-making in private markets.

Invest in robust data management platforms that enable efficient data storage, organization, and visualization. These platforms are essential for generating comprehensive ESG data reporting. Consider partnering with specialized ESG data providers who can offer expertise and support in managing the complex challenges of ESG data. 

These providers can apply sophisticated tools to surface and attribute data in complex alternative investment networks, providing a comprehensive view of ESG performance.

By being aware of the challenges and the solutions, you can more easily earn the full potential of ESG data to drive sustainable investment strategies, enhance risk management, and generate long-term value.

The benefits of ESG data-driven investment strategies

Finance chart. Financial planning. Data analysis. Management strategy.

Incorporating ESG data into investment strategies is no longer a "nice-to-have"— it's a strategic imperative for private market investors seeking to tackle an increasingly complicated and interconnected world. By harnessing the power of ESG data, investors can reveal a range of benefits that extend beyond financial returns.

Enhanced risk management

ESG data provides a lens through which investors can identify and assess a wide array of risks that traditional financial analysis may overlook. Environmental risks, such as climate change and resource scarcity, can significantly impact the long-term viability of businesses. 

Social risks, such as labor practices and community relations, can damage reputations and disrupt operations. Governance risks, such as board diversity and executive compensation, can undermine investor confidence and lead to costly legal and regulatory issues. 

By incorporating ESG data into their due diligence processes, investors can identify and avoid these risks, protecting their portfolios from potential losses and ensuring long-term sustainability. This approach aligns with the growing trend of sustainability investing, which seeks to generate financial returns while also creating positive social and environmental impact.

Value creation and alpha generation

ESG factors aren’t just about risk avoidance — they’re also powerful drivers of value creation. Companies with strong ESG performance tend to be more innovative, efficient, and resilient. This is particularly evident through the lens of private equity firms that have integrated ESG considerations into their investment processes, reaping the rewards of sustainability investing.

Those investment options that have positive ESG reporting processes and a focus on ESG are simply better positioned to attract and retain top talent, build strong brand reputations, and maintain a social license to operate. These qualities can translate into improved financial performance, higher valuations, and ultimately, superior investment returns. 

By identifying companies with strong ESG profiles, investors can access untapped potential for alpha generation and create a competitive advantage in the market.

Alignment with investor values

For many investors, ESG considerations aren’t just about financial performance — they’re also about aligning investments with personal values and contributing to a better world. ESG data enables investors to measure and track the positive social and environmental impact of their investments. This can lead to greater satisfaction and a sense of purpose as investors see their capital being used to address pressing global challenges.

Meeting growing stakeholder expectations

Investors are increasingly facing pressure from clients, regulators, and the public to demonstrate their commitment to ESG principles. By incorporating ESG data into their investment strategies, investors can enhance transparency, improve stakeholder communication, and build trust. This can lead to stronger relationships with clients, improved brand reputation, and increased access to capital.

As you can see, ESG data is a powerful tool that can transform how investors approach private markets. By embracing ESG integration, investors can not only reduce risk but also contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

Using ESG reporting frameworks for investment decisions

Businessman pointing at the word ESG with a pen on a computer screen with green graph

Understanding ESG reporting is crucial for investors seeking to make informed decisions in private markets. While private companies aren’t obligated to adhere to the same reporting standards as public companies, a growing number are voluntarily adopting established ESG frameworks. These frameworks are especially relevant for ESG in private equity, as investors are increasingly seeking transparency on climate-related risks and opportunities in their portfolios.

Why investors should care About ESG reporting frameworks

Even in the less regulated private markets, ESG reporting frameworks are more than just corporate buzzwords. They offer a structured approach through which investors can assess the non-financial risks and opportunities that increasingly impact long-term value creation. Let’s look at the specific advantages frameworks provide to investors seeking to integrate ESG into their decision-making processes.

  • Standardized information: Frameworks provide a structured way for companies to disclose ESG data, making it easier for investors to compare performance across different investments.
  • Materiality focus: Frameworks like SASB help investors identify the ESG factors most likely to impact a company's financial performance in a given industry.
  • Risk assessment: ESG reports can shed light on a company's exposure to environmental, social, and governance risks, allowing investors to make more informed decisions about risk mitigation.
  • Performance tracking: Frameworks allow investors to monitor a company's ESG progress over time, holding them accountable for their commitments.

How investors can use ESG reports

ESG reports can be powerful tools in an investor's arsenal. Let’s look at some practical strategies for using these reports to get deeper insights, engage with companies, and ultimately make more informed and sustainable investment decisions.

  • Due diligence: Incorporate ESG reports into your due diligence process to get a comprehensive understanding of a company's sustainability profile.
  • Engagement: Use ESG reports as a starting point for engaging with companies on their ESG practices. Ask probing questions and seek clarification on areas of concern.
  • Benchmarking: Compare ESG reports across different companies to identify leaders and laggards in your portfolio.
  • Integration: Use the insights gleaned from ESG reports to inform your investment decisions and portfolio construction.

ESG data for sustainable investments

Sustainable investing in private markets isn’t without its challenges, but the rewards are substantial. The growing demand for ESG integration, coupled with the increasing recognition of its impact on long-term value creation, makes ESG data an indispensable tool for discerning investors.

By understanding the intricacies of ESG data collection, analysis, and reporting, you can confidently manage the complexities of the private markets. You can identify and avoid risks, uncover hidden opportunities, and align your investments with your values and those of your stakeholders.

Don't let the challenges of ESG data hold you back. At Accelex, we help our clients to apply higher levels of thinking to their daily tasks and strategies while making decisions with greater confidence and clarity. Our cutting-edge AI technology streamlines ESG data collection and analysis, providing the insights you need to make informed investment decisions.

Ready to access the power of ESG data for your sustainable investment strategy? Unlock the power of ESG data and gain a competitive edge in the private equity market. Contact us today to schedule a demo and discover how Accelex can transform your approach to ESG.

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About Accelex

Accelex provides data acquisition, analytics and reporting solutions for investors and asset servicers enabling firms to access the full potential of their investment performance and transaction data. Powered by proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, Accelex automates processes for the extraction, analysis and sharing of difficult-to-access unstructured data. Founded by senior alternative investment executives, former BCG partners and successful fintech entrepreneurs, Accelex is headquartered in London with offices in Paris, Luxembourg, New York and Toronto. For more information, please visit

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